Binary Encoders Module
Encode data into these formats:
netCDF format: This encoder can encode Radiometer (RDX) profiles, both single and multi-sounding sounding files. It can also encode soundings into files used by the NOAA/NWS AWIPS system. Note, however, that due to the numerous netCDF format data structure variations, not all netCDF encoded files can be decoded by the RAOB program. These encoded files are only produced for use by other netCDF software platforms.
BUFR format: This BUFR encoder encodes all traditional profile information, including vertical wind components. Multiple soundings can also encoded into a single multi-sounding file. RDX data can also be BUFR encoded, however, only one scan mode at a time can be encoded, while Liquid-Water and Vapor-Density data are not encoded.
See the Standard Encoders Module for the following formats: RAW, RAOB CSV, WMO, BUFKIT, and GSD/FSL.