About Us
Eosonde Research Services (previously Environmental Research Services) [ERS] has been the world leader in multi-functional, totally integrated sounding analysis programs since 1994. Development of the RAOB program is driven by customer needs. You will not find better customer support.
John with his RAOB program.
John Shewchuk is creator of the RAOB program. He is a Certified Consulting Meteorologist (CCM), who is board certified by the American Meteorological Society. He retired as a Lieutenant Colonel from the US Air Force Weather Service after 22 years of global weather operations, and is a life-long student of meteorology since 1960.
John's weather career includes:
For a complete history of the RAOB program see this PDF.
For support, feedback, suggestions, or comments regarding RAOB, or to be added in our monthly email, contact ERS.