Special Data
Decoders Module
- While the RAOB Basic module can plot WMO Coded, UWYO, BUFKIT, SHARP, and RAOB CSV data, this module can plot many of the world's most popular and unique sounding data formats.
- These decoders are kept up-to-date as data codes and formats change. Because new decoders and updates are continually being added, all below decode capabilities are only available with purchase of the current RAOB version (which authorizes a free upgrade to the follow-on [or Beta] program).
This module contains the following decoders:
- ACARS/AMDAR - aircraft sounding data.
- ACTA - multi-sounding time-series soundings.
- AVAPS - high-density dropsonde profiles.
- AWIPS - various sounding data formats.
- AZISTA - Indian high-density sounding format.
- BOM - Bureau of Meteorology data from Australia.
- Canadian - for "ObsTephi" CSV sounding files.
- Catalonia - high-resolution data.
- CLASS/NCAR - high-resolution data.
- CLIMAT TEMP - monthly climatological profiles.
- CW3E - UCSD Scripps high-density soundings.
- DWD - archived German soundings.
- ECMWF - for pressure-level "wind" data.
- ENSCI - contain ozone data.
- FSL/NCDC - archived sounding data.
- German - single-sounding data.
- GRAW - high-density data.
- GTS1 - Chinese sounding profiles.
- HALO/Photonics - for simple Stare format profiles.
- IGRA - Integrated Global Radiosonde Archives, v1.0 and 2.0
- IMET - International Met Systems (InterMet) various formats.
- IOWA State University - for archived rawinsonde data.
- KMA - Korean Meteorological Administration.
- Komoline - Indian high-density sounding format.
- Lockheed Martin.
- Meisei - RS-06, SNJ, CSV and others.
- Meteociel - single-sounding French model forecast profiles.
- Meteomodem - French M10 sounding profiles.
- MeteoSwiss - Switzerland sounding formats.
- NCAR 4DWX - time-series soundings.
- NCDC - TD63, CARDS, and GTS data.
- NOAA - MAPS, RUC, GFS, NAM, SkySonde, and others.
- NOAA - Ready forecast soundings.
- NUCAPS - AWIPS-derived satellite soundings.
- OGIMET - Repackaged global WMO sounding data.
- PAOS - Program in Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences.
- Pisharoty - India space program soundings.
- RS_Tracker - Sounding files created by radio receivers.
- SH4/NASA - Space shuttle soundings.
- Sippican - RTSO soundings formats.
- SkyProbe - Affordable Research Technology formats.
- SkySonde - NOAA/GMD soundings formats (w/ozone).
- Surface Layer CLIMAT - monthly climatological profiles.
- TASK - Tactical Atmospheric Sounding Kit (GLASS) format.
- Tephis - Canadian GEM 00-48 forecast soundings.
- TLP - German Weather Service soundings.
- TwisterData.com. Example.
- Vaisala - GAUS, Digicora, EDT, EOL, RS92, RS41, and many others.
- Weather Network.
- WeatherBank.
- Windsond - single sounding high-density data.
- WSI - Weather Services International.
- Wxcaster.com - Worldwide model forecasts.