RAOB Data Sources
Current & Archived Soundings
- UWYO (Standard profiles)
- University of Wyoming.
- UWYO (High-density profiles) (for RAOB 7.0 and greater)
- University of Wyoming.
- NCEI (aka NCDC)
- IGRA global sounding data.
- NCEI (aka NCDC)
- BUFR encoded USA data.
- Program in Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences (University of Colorado at Boulder) format.
- For the global current.rawins sounding file.
- Single-Source Radiosonde Database.
- Multi-Source Radiosonde Database (rucsoundings).
- NHC Dropsondes
- National Hurricane Center's data from Hurricane Hunter planes.
- WMO coded data by Station, Region, and/or Time.
- ARL/Ready - Archived data
- Archived Worldwide Current and Forecast soundings.
Forecast Soundings
- Sequential data from NWS offices at Buffalo, NY
- ARL/Ready
- Worldwide Current and Forecast soundings.
- TwisterData.com
- Gridded RAP and NAM forecast soundings. Example.
- Meteociel.fr
- Gridded French model forecast soundings. Example.
- Wxcaster.com
- Worldwide model forecast soundings.