Advanced Soundingram Module

Example 3-panel display.
- This module includes all features found in the
Standard Soundingram module.
- Option to display 3 panels of soundingrams. The user can select just one sounding (like the example image at right)
for detailed analyses, or select any 2 soundings like
this example for detailed
comparisons. Option requires a wide screen monitor.
- Option to display the "difference" profile between 2 soundings (see sample image below).
The diagram "difference" option can be found on the
Panel-2 configuration tab.

Difference display.
- Batch and Timer options for automated Soundingram display of just one sounding. All options are menu driven just like the Sounding's Batch & Timer options. Use the "Batch-Load" option for processing one or two sounding comparisions.
- Batch-Load options. Use batch or script commands to automatically load one or two soundings to create comparison soundingrams. All options are menu driven just like the Sounding's Batch & Timer options.