RAOB 6.7 Enhancements
BASIC Program Enhancements
- Added "Day"
information to DTG enabled sounding listings.
- Added option to plot custom Height & Temperature lines in
"thick" style.
- The Soaring screen's Toolbar can now
sequence multi-sounding profiles.
- The Soaring screen can now display
Hazards graphics.
- Added option to color DCAPE & DCIN on the Sounding diagram.
- The NSHARP decoder modified to process the new high-density soundings.
- The Custom Data Display now has a new s-rH 0.5 km layer option.
- The Custom Data Display now has a new wind Shear 1/2 km layer option.
- The Custom Data Display now has a new Waterspout2 parameter (SWI).
ANALYTIC Module Enhancements
- Added the new Vaisala MW, RS41SG, PTU, and EDTarchive decoders.
- Added the new NUCAPS decoder for AWIPS-derived satellite soundings.
- Added the new SharpPy data decoder for high-density soundings.
- The Canadian ObTephi decdoer modified to process new data Header & Format.
- Added the new Ogimet data decoder.
- Added the new Meteomodem M10 data decoder for French radiosondes.
- Added the new GTS1 data decoder for Chinese radiosondes.
- The InterMet (IMET) SpotTime (TSPOTINT.txt) decoder modified to process 1-second data.
- Added the new Halo-Photonics simple "Processed_Wind_Profile....hpl" decoder.
- Added the new Autoscale .vs. Manual scaling option for each parameter.
- Added the new AMP decoder for wind-profiler data.
- Added the new Nexrad VWP (Vertical Wind Profiler) decoder.
- Added the new DRWP (50 Mhz) wind profiler decoder.
- Improved the Gold's Method for maximum temperature forecast.
- Automatically create Cross-Sections with the new "Transect" option.
- Automatically retrieve multiple profiles with the new "Time-Series" option.