Sodar/Lidar/Radar Data
Decoders Module

Example of a UVW Diagram.
- The Sodar/Lidar/Radar decoder can process data from the Sonic Detection And Ranging (Sodar), Light Detection and Ranging (Lidar), Radar, and Radio Acoustic Sounding System (RASS) sounding data formats. Many of these sensors are capable of measuring winds in three dimensions, providing U/V/W wind components. Not only can RAOB process vertical wind component data, but it also provides a unique UVW wind profile diagram as seen in the image at right. UVW component data can also be plotted on the Soundingram and CrossSection diagrams.
- There are some profilers (such as RASS) which provide 2 separate datafiles -- one containing wind data and one containing temperature data. RAOB can automatically "merge" these datafiles creating a composite sounding profile that is hydrostatically balanced. The Standard Merge module can accomplish automatic merging one profile at a time, while the Advanced Merge module can quickly process entire time-series datafiles containing hundreds of soundings with just one command process.
- The decoders in this module can process a variety of datafiles from the following profiler sources & manufacturers. Because new decoders and updates are continually being added, all below decode capabilities are only available with purchase of the current RAOB version (which authorizes a free upgrade to the follow-on [or Beta] program).
- AMP (Astra Microwave Products).
- BIRM (Beijing Institute of Radio Measurement).
- CASIC (China Aerospace Science & Industry Corp).
- Leosphere.
- Mitsubishi.
- NASA doppler radar wind profiler (DRWP).
- Nexrad VWP (Vertical Wind Profiler).
- Raptor (alias DeTect).
- RemTech.
- Scintec.
- Zephir Lidar.