RAOB 6.5 Enhancements
BASIC Program Enhancements
- New option to select WMO coded soundings from 17 worldwide Data Maps.
- Sounding's "Diagram Options" now configure up to 6 Temperature Lines.
- NSHARP2 Decoder expanded to process format variations.
ANALYTIC Module Enhancements
- Adds the new SkySonde decoder from NOAA/GMD -- includes ozone data.
- Expanded Vaisala/Text decoder to process the new tab-separated data format.
- Adds the new SkyProbe decoder which processes data-logger files from Affordable Research Technologies -- launch your own sondes.
- Adds the new Catalonia decoder.
- Adds the new TASK (Tactical Atmospheric Sounding Kit) decoder.
- A new option allows interpolation of missing wind data for radar wind profiler soundings.
- A new option to turn ON/OFF interpolation of missing "surface" wind for all profilers.
- Adds the new CASIC (China Aerospace Science & Industry Corp) decoder -- a wind radar profiler.
- BUFR Decoder can now process wind-profiler soundings.
- The Time-Height Batch-Load function now includes "Data Export" options.
- The Time-Height Batch-Load function now remembers data selection criteria (all .vs. some).
- The Gradient Editor now has Import & Export options so you can share unique gradients with other RAOB users.
- Contains 2 new diagram display options:
- Spaghetti plot of source and composite soundings.
- Plot of composite sounding with Standard Deviation bars.
- You can now use the World Maps to select multiple soundings for merging.
- Adds the new Local Mountain option for quick parameter loading.
- Contains the netCDF Encoder.
- Encodes soundings into:
- Conventional profiles, for single soundings only.
- Radiometer profiles, for single or multiple time-series soundings.
- Also contains the current BUFR Encoder.
- Added the new Mean Layers tab.
- Added the Modified Richardson Index (MRi) parameter.