RAOB Friends & Users:                                         May 2019      


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For RAOB 6.9 users only.  The latest version contains serial numbers beginning with 6950, so if the first 4 digits of your RAOB serial number are less, you should download the latest program update using RAOB's Help menu (RAOB Program Updates) for the download link, or just use this direct link.


RAOB Lottery.  The winner of the May 2019 lottery is Reid Hansen from Boulder, Colorado, who won a brand new RAOB 6.9 Basic program.  Who's next?  Enter next month's lottery -- see the RAOB Lottery rules. 


RAOB Analysis Example.  Jacksonville, Florida sounding about 1 hour and 40 minutes before Boeing 737 crashes into river late 3 May ... http://www.raob.com/images/crash.jpg .  Just imagine what the JAX forecast soundings may have shown.   


RAOB Sale.  The value-packed Analytic module is having a 7-day 25% off Sale.  This module was used to create the above Analysis Example image, and the below Flooding Potential Index example image.


RAOB Customer Corner.  See how RAOB is used for analyses of flash flooding.  Following that report, a Flooding Potential Index was added to RAOB.


RAOB Beta.  The RAOB 7.0 Beta is now available for use.  It can now decode UWYO's high-resolution sounding profiles.  If you want to use the RAOB 7.0 Beta program now, or are not sure of your eligibility, just contact wxx@raob.com and provide your RAOB serial number.  Use this link to view the complete list of RAOB Beta enhancements. 


Important … If you have program comments or questions, please send them using a separate message to wxx@raob.com