RAOB Friends & Users:                                         December 2017      


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For RAOB 6.8 users only.  The latest version contains serial numbers beginning with 6851, so if the first 4 digits of your RAOB serial number are less, you should download the latest program update using RAOB's Help menu (RAOB Program Updates) for the download link, or just use this direct link.


RAOB Lottery.  NEW.  Beginning next month (Jan 2018) there will be a monthly RAOB Lottery drawing. 


RAOB Sale.  First time ever, 3-day Christmas Sale.  Get a bundle for that special meteorologist in your life. 


RAOB Customer Quote from an Arabian peninsula customer, "It is the best program in Meteorology Applications."


RAOB Beta.  The RAOB Factory is again in full production with the new RAOB 6.9 version.  It now provides a NWS-style Soaring Guidance Report which RAOB can email to others.  It also produces the recently popular "Critical Angle" on the Hodograph and Sounding diagrams.  If you want to use the RAOB 6.9 Beta program now, or are not sure of your eligibility, just contact wxx@raob.com and provide your RAOB serial number.  Use this link to view the complete list of RAOB Beta enhancements.      



Important … If you have program comments or questions, please send them using a separate message to wxx@raob.com